The Bay Leaf Myth (And Why It Won't Die)

Bay leaves have a eucalyptus and menthol flavor. It's very medicinal. Not herbal, but medicinal.
This message is super common. It doesn't actually mean your food has burned. 9 times out of 10 it just means you should've added more water.
The revolutionary Instant Pot: the multicooker that's taking the culinary world by storm. Say goodbye to kitchen stress and hello to gourmet meals with ease.
As I sit here, staring at the glowing red light of my infrared oven, I can’t help but think: is this thing really worth the hype? In my experience, the answer is an unbridled, resounding yes.
You heard about them, thought they sounded cool or that they're probably the future, but then you realized: "I have no idea how these things actually work. What even is an infrared oven exactly?" I've got you covered.
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